Saturday, February 5, 2011

Nice rug!

Nice room but without the rug would be a little boring even with the vibrant colour on the walls.  The carpet definitely makes the space.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Slip sliding away

A great way to makeover your furniture is to have slip covers made.  They do a great job in covering furniture that has seen better days, or can also give you a completely different look at different times of the year (ie.summer/winter).  If the slip covers are custom, they fit like a glove and take on the exact look of the furniture. They have piping around the cushions, back and arms of the piece.  They can be thrown in the washer if there is a need.  Kid and pet friendly.  You can buy ready made slip covers, but they do not fit to the furniture and tend to bunch up and need to be constantly adjusted and tucked in.  They are an option but if you can get the custom covers made, that is the way to go, at a fraction of the cost of re-upholstering.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sitting pretty.

You've got to be crewel to be kind...

Crewel fabric is very hot right now.  Nice on an accent piece like this chair or accessory.  Maybe not great as a large investment piece, as you could tire of it easily. 

Who says shutters have to be boring or white...go for the drama