Saturday, May 26, 2012

Click on the picture for more info...Levolor has a great sale on for 20% off window coverings.  They have fantastic products, really current and beautiful at affordable prices.  Email me for a quote

Friday, May 25, 2012

My client's furry friends

My Client's Pets...    

This is Elvis Pussley.  He is hilarious because his lip goes up on the side like Elvis Pressley's did.  He is very laid back and cool.  Click on the Picture to see more pets...

Tarzan is a very good hunter.  He has brought many critters home to his family, including rabbits, possums, rats, mice, moles, birds...His owners had a cat door until he started bringing the prey in the house alive, and that was the end of the cat door.  He likes to climb trees and play dead. 

This is Einstein or Eini as she is knows to her friends.  She is an English Bull Dog and is significantly larger now than when this picture was taken.  She likes skateboarding, digging and cuddling.  She loves treats and making friends at the dog park.

This is Portia.  She is a Whippet and is very gentle and feminine.  They say that Whippets are the cat of the dog world.  It is funny how much she acts like a cat but a little more affectionate.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The feminine side

I think every girl loves the feminine side of decor. Sometimes we can't act on it, because of the men in our lives but if you could, wouldn't you have a really girly place of your own? Maybe a beautiful closet or wrapping room (omg! A WRAPPING ROOM???), or a pretty bed or soft hammock full of pillows to dream on. Oh the possibilities...Take a look at some of these pretty looks.  Click on the picture to see more...